Friday, May 7, 2010

Appreciation Of A Great Woman...

I'll start out by saying that I'm a very blessed man. I have a beautiful wife, great kids and wonderful family and friends. A while back, maybe two years ago, we really started to focus on getting our farm up and running. We would often discuss one of us quitting our paying job so we could get the farm going. (It really takes someone fulltime to have any success since this is not a hobby.)

Well, it worked out that Nicole was going to be the fulltime farmer. I think she had sleepless nights up to the point of her starting on the farm, just out of pure excitement. Well, ever since she has started working on the farm, it has been non-stop, labor intensive work. She comes home from the farm only after she has picked the kids up from school, just to get working on homework with the boys and starting dinner. Shortly after we eat, we're head back to the farm to check waterers, feed Maddux, water the plants inside the hoophouse, spray foliar mix on the plants in the garden or anything else we have left off from the days list.

After all of that, she still looks forward to the next day. The tired look from the night before is gone and she, in a typical Nicole fashion, is inspired again knowing what she is doing is good and righteous.

This year, again, my wife shares her birthday with Mother's Day. She always takes it in stride.

Happy Birthday, baby! You're an amazing woman.

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